Monday, August 17, 2015

Under Construction

A lot of things have happened to me in my life, both awesome and not so awesome, in the last 53 days since my last post. I probably should've posted more lol. But I'm here to let you know what's coming......

I can't promise I'll post daily, but yes I will post at least a few times each week going forward. Honestly, I truly need a creative outlet and this will help me :)

The site looks a bit rough at the moment and I'm currently working on some new layout ideas. The Mile 42 posts will continue to chart the more personal aspects of my life. Jobs, kids, friends, ex-friends, family, and anything else I need to get off my chest. The continued progress of my personal life, for anyone who'd care to read about it ;)

There will also be separate posts for my gaming exploits, and cooking endeavors. Yes cooking!

So please pardon the dust around here as I get the blog looking better and filled with more content. It's going to look great! :)

I'm off for now, but look for a couple more new posts later this week! ;)

Thanks everyone!

- MvM


  1. Is this one of those "announcement of an announcement" kinda things? LOL
