Monday, August 24, 2015

The 7 Day Stretch

Sorry I got behind a few days on my posts. So I thought I'd just do a 7 day wrap up to catch up lol! Time to cover kids, a birthday, car problems, gaming exploits, and friends. Let's get started with today's post!

Day 55 (8/18/15):

It's so nice to have both of my kids together at the same time, and this was a great day! Playing outside, and watching my daughter try to throw a frisbee is just so cute. We had a lot of fun, and I can't believe how big my kids are both getting! My son is almost 13, and my daughter is 2 and a half! They are my babies and I love them so much! And they are both such hams......wonder where they could possibly get that from? Lol ;)

Day 56 (8/19/15):

This day was the typical work day, yet ended on a sour note. My dad was taken by ambulance yet again to the hospital. This time for taking a pretty large fall that I wasn't quick enough to stop. I was right there and wasn't fast enough to catch him. I felt like shit. I know it wasn't my fault and I did what I could, but it was a sight that's now burned into my memory. He hurt his leg, but nothing was broken. He came home a few hours later.

I hope the next day is better, because......

It's somebody's birthday! :)

Day 57 (8/20/15):

My son turned 13 today! He's now a full fledged teenager! I can't believe how fast he's grown up! I remember just like it was yesterday that I was holding my infant son in my arms, and becoming a father for the first time......

He had a great day with lots of people coming to see him, and he got some very cool things for his birthday. We all played outside as well, and even my daughter got into the action with sparklers!

It's hard to think about, but literally 5 more years to go, and my son will be a full grown man. I just hope that I can continue to be a positive influence on him and a good dad. I want nothing but the best for both of my babies. :)

Day 58 (8/21/15):

After a long work day, it was time to get a new part for my jeep. It seems that my jeep likes to die and leave me stranded at random periods of time, to the point where driving the jeep was becoming unsafe and unpredictable. But a very good friend of mine knew what part I needed (crank shaft position sensor), and after the hellish drive getting my jeep to him, he and his dad got the new part installed. Much to my delight, the jeep has yet to die. Though now that this is done, we can now focus on the new brakes, rotors, oil pan, antifreeze, thermostat and gasket I still need. Ugh...... The jeep needs work. Tax time next year, my worries will be over. I will get a new(er) car. :)

Day 59 - 61 (8/22 - 8/24/15):

Nothing more than a typical Saturday to Monday weekend, to be honest. Work, spent time with my family.

also did some gaming, and started to rediscover some of the old MvM that I'd been missing for the last 2 years. I'm so glad he's back again! :)

But soon, the gaming bits will have its own separate blog posts. ;).

Before I wrap this up, I would like to say one last thing. Friends. Old, new, or estranged...... Everything in life happens for a reason. Good or bad. I truly believe this. I have another entry drafted on this topic and I will be expanding more on my feelings about some people. But until then, I want to say how grateful I am for those in my life who truly and honestly care about me and my kids. Who are always there for me. With no other motives, or selfishness. The real ones! I love you all :)

Until next time, stay cool, thanks for reading, and game on! :)

- MvM

[This post was written and posted, using the Blogger App for iPhone (iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.1.2, Jailbreak w/Cydia 1.1.16).  There may be some layout issues in this post, that if so, will be corrected on a PC at a later date.]


  1. Glad to see another blog! :)

    I have Quell Memento on my Vita as well. I bought it way back when for Jennifer to play, but I kind of like it myself as well. Haven't played much of it though. Anyways, glad to see you gaming again! :)

    1. And so many more blog posts to come!

      I love Quell! So much so that I'm dedicating an entire post to it in a couple days lol!

      Thanks for the comment! :)
